Approved packing material may consist of sterile peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite, sawdust, shredded paper or other inert materials. 认可的包装素材应由泥炭苔、水藓苔、珍珠岩、蛭石、锯木屑、碎纸及其他填充物。
He found a few others: a sphagnum moss peat bog can repel the invasion of pine trees for thousands of years. 他还发现:几千年来,泥炭沼中的苔藓抵制了松树的入侵。
Both the culture aggregate-Sphagnum and water were the resource of the moss, and the former was the main. 蝴蝶兰栽培基质水苔和水均是青苔的来源,并且水苔是青苔的主要来源。